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How to use Multi-NVR feature to monitor other remote NVR sites?

DIGIEVER NVR can be a multi-NVR server to connect other NVR in LAN and WAN by clicking “Search NVR” button.

It becomes a convenient method to help users protect their regions by simultaneously monitoring other remote sites without installing any other extra VMS software. Users can select a maximum of 144 channels into camera list.


  • Add NVR in LAN

Step1. Please click “Rescan” button to search NVR in LAN.

NVR in LAN will appear, including the local NVR.


Step2. Please choose NVR and camera which you are going to add to the local server and click “OK” button.

New added channels will display in the cameras list in remote liveview webpage as below.


  • Add NVR in WAN

Step1. Please click “Add Server” button to add NVR in WAN.

Step2. Please enter IP address, port, username and password, then click “OK” to apply.

* Note: NVR can be manually added in WAN or LAN.


You can see the NVR in Multi-Server list.


Step3.Please choose NVR and camera which you are going to add to the local server and Click “OK” button. 

Then, new added channels will display in the cameras list in remote liveview webpage.